Most routine surgical cases are discharged the evening after surgery.
Orthopaedic cases, and more complex cases may stay one or two night for monitoring, strict rest and further analgesia.
Cats should be kept indoors until suture removal and dogs should be kept on the lead until suture removal. There may be further specific instructions depending on the type of surgery performed. On
the first night you can anticipate that your pet may be sleepy and may or may not want to eat.
Recent advances in anaesthesia means that there is less of a post operative 'hangover’ than we may have seen in the past. Analgesics are given so that your pet wakes up as comfortable as possible and
these are continued for as long as necessary. You should anticipate that your pet is back to normal with regard to appetite the day after a routine surgical procedure.
Your pet will be discharged by a vet or a nurse who will give you further instructions for your pets care and a printed sheet of information to refer to.
If you are at all concerned about your pet post operatively then please phone the surgery for advice.
Most surgical cases are checked at 5 days post operatively and sutures removed at around 10 days. Dog castrates and cat spays usually have dissolvable sutures.
The results of any pathological samples taken at surgery are usually back at or before suture removal at 10 days.
Any bandages must be kept clean & dry; if they get soiled or slip they will need to be changed. You will need to take steps to stop your pet interfering with wounds and dresssings. Dressings should be covered when your pet is outside (we can supply old drip bags which work very well) to keep them clean & and dry but should not remain covered as they will sweat.
If your pet has had a dental procedure then they may be happier eating soft food for a few days whilst their gums heal.
There is a very useful leaflet of pre and postoperative care produced by the British Veterinary Association which can be found here