Treatment for your pet

The optimum treatment of your pet depends on a prompt and accurate diagnosis. For many simple and straightforward cases this may be obvious from the history and clinical examination in a consultation and treatment can be decided there and then. This is why it is important for the pet to be brought to the vets by the owner, or someone who lives with the pet, as we will have to ask you about its appetite, demeanour and other symptoms. Your pet cannot talk!


For the more complicated cases we have radiographic (x ray) equipment available, an ultrasound unit with probes for abdominal and heart scans, and a variety of endoscopes for examining the stomach, small and large intestine, nose, throat, windpipe and lungs and bladder. Electrocardiography is available on site to look at irregular heart rythyms.


Emergency laboratory work – electrolytes, glucose, renal function, red cell levels can be done within minutes in house. More involved tests are done by an outside laboratory in Wetherby. A courier collection service gives us same day results for most tests. The quality control provided by this lab is much better and their service is much more cost effective than trying to provide this in-house. Pathology results from biopsies, lump removals  etc, is done by an outside lab with results back within 10 days.


For surgical cases we have 2 sterile theatres with a wide range of surgical equipment and instruments for dealing with any eventuality. The surgery is exceptionally well equipped for orthopaedic and spinal surgery – drills, plates, pins for fracture repair, arthrotomies and TPLO cruciate surgery.

You can see our theatres on the 'Gallery' page.


We have a range of kennels for the different sizes of patients we see. There is a separate ward for rabbits who do not appreciate sharing with potential predators! The kennels are easy to clean with a completely separate isolation ward for those who may be infectious. There is an escape proof run for a bit of fresh air. The nursing is attended to by our team of qualified and experienced veterinary nurses and nursing assistants. Rabbits often need to be syringe fed which can be very time consuming but vital in their recovery. The spinal surgery cases need frequent turning and bladder care to avoid complications. All of the animals need careful monitoring. The nursing care is important to the recovery of our patients.