It is a sad fact that our pets have a limited life span and at some stage we may have to make the difficult decision to put them to sleep. Our pets very much live in the present; we might want them to live forever but somehow we have to meet in the middle and the decision to euthanase in cases were recovery is not possible is a kindness we have avaialble. It can be a very difficult decision to make in animals with chronic disease and although your vet will help you with this, the timing is ultimately your decision.
Sometimes assessing you pets quality of life over a daily weekly or monthly basis can help you decide when the time has come. There is a useful chart which cna help with making the decision here
This usually is done by an intravenous injection. It is entirely up to the owner as to whether you want to be present for this or not. It is no more uncomfortable for the pet than when we give them
an anaesthetic for a routine neutering or dental procedure. If you speak to reception then we can make an appointment for euthanasia at a quiet time of day. You are welcome to stay with your
A home visit can be arranged for euthanasia but please give us as much notice as possible for this as we may have to arrange the rest of the days work around it.
You can bury your pet at home or let us deal with the body.
This can be more practical and less distressing. We use a dedicated pet crematorium. Should you wish to keep your pets ashes this can be arranged. This involves the pet being cremated individually and is thus quite a bit more expensive. The ashes are returned either in a sealed container or in a container that can be opened for the ashes to be scattered. We do request payment in advance for individual cremation.
A useful leaflet about euthanasia can be found here
A Pet Bereavement Support Service is available via the Blue Cross. Their support line number is 0800 096 6606 (8.30am - 8.30pm) and their email support line is We stock a range of their literature in our surgery. Cats Protection run a similiar support line.
Another site that can provide information and support is
Both The Ralph Site and Blue Cross Pet Bereavement have Facebook pages which you may find useful.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask