Terms & Conditions
Our basic consultation fee, during surgery hours is £43 (£35.83 + vat)
A follow up consultation fee is £36 (£30 + vat)
Our standard consultation is for 15 minutes; if you need to bring more than one pet please let reception know so that a double consultation slot can be allocated.
Sunday/Bank holiday surgeries carry a surcharge of £25.20 (£21 + vat)
Referral consultation fee is £156.30 (significantly longer than an ordinary consultation fee as generally a more complex case)
All our fees for services and drugs include VAT at the standard rate.
Drug and anaesthesia costs vary on the weight of your pet and surgical procedures vary in both complexity and duration and equipment needed.
Estimates can be given, and if you have any concerns please discuss these with the veterinary surgeon concerned.
Like most businesses we expect to be paid for work done and drugs supplied at the time. We expect insured clients to settle their account when work is completed and then claim it back from their insurance company.
Payment can be made by cash, cheque or card (not American Express)
Records and Client data
We keep your contact details and clinical records on computer in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. These, plus any results of investigations carried out (eg radiographs) remain our property.
Records remain confidential.
We will, at your request, forward records to another veterinary surgeon should you move, or need referring for treatment we are unable to offer.
If you are insured and make a claim the insurance company will request a copy of your records and this is something you will have consented to when the policy was taken out.
We can register microchips that we insert online for you. This obviously involves transmitting your contact details (but not your clinical records) to the microchip registration database.
We are able to set up text/ email reminders for booster vacinations, parasite treatment and repeat prescription reminders. This is dependent on us having correct contact details; please check this is correct next time you are in to see us.
Your pets records are not covered by GDPR - this refers to data held on you. We can hold & use your data for legitmate business interests - ie to send bills, identify your pet, contact you about your pets progress if an inpatient or about results of tests and send booster & treatment reminders. Data held is not shared except when an insurance claim is submitted (when you have to fill in your name and address on the claim form & they will already have your data) and when a microchip is fitted - when it is a legal requirement to have upto date details registered. We do not send marketing emails etc - you can log in to the website/ look at the facebook page for upto date information. We are currently getting & keeping signed paper forms from clients to enable us to send booster/treatment reminders.
Precriptions for POMVs (Prescription Only Medicines) are available, the current charge for a written prescription is £19 inclusive of VAT. You can get durgs necessary for you pets treatment from us or we can issue a prescription for you to source them elsewhere. This is unsuitible for hospitalised animals, animals needing urgent medication, injectables & drugs that need to be kept chilled. POMVs can only be prescribed to animals under our care where the prescribing veterinary surgeon has current knowledge of the animals condition so animals on POMs do need to be checked at an interval appropriate to their condition. This is unlikely to be more than 6 months & may be more often. The exception is POMV parasite control where an annual check up (usually at booster vaccination & annual health check appointment) will suffice.
We are obliged to use a veterinary licenced product for the species being treated. If this is unavailable we can use a veterinary licensed product for a different species & if this does not exist then we can use a product licensed for use in people. For many species other than dogs and cats there are very few licensed products avaialble. For more unusual conditions where the veterinary market is not big enough to justify a drug company producing a veterinary product this may be the only option. Any 'off licence' use will be based on knowledge of the product & its effect in the species being treated and any risks compared to the benefits. You will be asked to sign that you realise a drug is being used 'off license'.
In Patient care
Although we have a nurse living on the premises we do not have the practice and kennel block continuously staffed on a 24 hour basis.To do so would need another 3 full time members of staff and seriously affect the prices we charge.
All in patients are checked last thing at night (@10-10.30pm) and given any necessary medication at this time.
Further overnight attention, which may sometimes be needed, is at the discretion of the veterinary surgeon on duty.
Complaints procedure
We try to do the best we can for you and your pet.
Many complaints are due to misunderstandings and you are encouraged to speak to the vet deaing with your pet to clarify any concerns and worries you may have.
If you feel your complaint is more serious then please put your concerns in writing for Allison Gleadhill and we will deal with them promptly.
Name of company
Crab Lane Veterinary Surgery
Registered office
30 Crab Lane Bilton
Harrogate HG1 3BE
Contact details
Tel: 01423 508945
Fax: 01423 563899
Business ID no.
VAT no.
Regulatory authority
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons